Surabaya Undercover

I think, being the good guy is very important. But, it doesn’t mean you not allow to know anything about how the way hooker doing their live. For me, the point is what kind of motivation bring you there. So, the prostitution area is not forbidden area for me as long as I doing the right think over there.
Jadi orang alim dan saleh itu harus. Namun, bukan berarti menutup diri untuk tahu kehidupan malam yang berkonotasi kemaksiatan. Yang penting, kan niatnya.
When I went to Surabaya, I had to photograph some pictures about the prostitution activity at the city. The first destination is Gubernur Suryo Park. The insider informan told me, that even the City Hall not allowing any prostitution at the park, but you still can find hookers over there. So, when I saw a couple lady, I focus my lens to them. I dont thinks so that they are a clandestein hookers. That night, I catch some candid pictures.
Ketika ke Surabaya, saya tertarik memantau lelaku kehidupan segelintir kupu-kupu malam di kota itu. Perjalanan dimulai di Tugu Gubernur Suryo. Katanya di tempat ini, bisa kenalan dengan perempuan-perempuan bispak. Curiga sesuatu, kamera segera kuarahkan dengan cara candid (diam-diam).
I move to Bambu Kuning Monument. Wow.. I saw at least seven street hookers. Unfortunately, I cannot producing a good picture because they do not allowed me to bring any camera. So, I move to Dolly, the greatest berthel prostitution area in this country. I introduced my self as a journalist. So, I met the most key person over the area. He help me to do my job. Of course, I did it by candid operation.
Dari sana, ke kawasan Tugu Bambu Kuning. Wah, masih banyak juga yang mangkal. Sayang, nggak bisa ngambil gambar. Ya sudah akhirnya ke Dolly. Berbekal relasi sebagai jurnalis, saya coba kenalan dengan salah seorang key person di salah satu kompleks lokalisasi terbesar di Indonesia ini. Beberapa momen pun sempat kuabadikan. Lagi-lagi dengan cara diam-diam. Soalnya tidak enak, jika mencolok. akan mengganggu aktivitas orang-orang di sana.


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