Good passwords theory

All of us are using passwords and most of us are typing them several times a day. And everyone knows the criteria to generate a good password. Random passwords are very strong from protection point of view but not from usability point of view.
No body think about password unforgettable-ness and less-painful-to-type-ness. I saw many passwords that are very painful because they are just random.

And I think it's nice to lose some randomness and make it easier to type and remember.
There is still a lot of enough strong passwords that match this criteria as well.

Try to type and remember something like:

Instead of:

And you feel much better.


  1. At school, one of my teachers gave us this solution :
    Pick a random word in the dictionnary and remember it.

    Then replace all the vowels by numbers.
    For example if my random word was "rubyonrails", the password would look like :


    You can add more complexity by doing numbers and special characters from the top of your keyboard. With mine (azerty french), I would have :


    That's quite secure and as long as you know which word you've picked and how to generate it, you can always remember your password.

  2. My strategy for picking strong passwords is think of a line from a favourite song and use the first letter of each word, e.g.:

    Hey Jude don't make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better.



    Then replace some letters with numbers, mix up the case and add some punctuation where it makes sense:



  3. I tend to agree. I use some "easy to remember passwords" and they always come up strong on the meters, they are easy to type, and easy for me to remember as well.


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