Components of success

People from different countries are reaching success in completely different way. And that is good because no matter who you are you can be successful. I heard a lot of success stories and now can summarize - what components are required to build your own success story...

Here are the components:
Hard work

That's it. This is may be the most important one. Don't think you can be successful while sitting on the chair and do nothing.


Many people work hard whole life and stay where they are without moving ahead. That is a pity that sometimes hard work is done in the wrong direction. Also try to look several steps ahead and see the perspective of the work you do.


Risk is a very helpful component. You can go the most reliable way. But in fact add some risk can seriously improve the result. Do something without risk is impossible because there is always a risk that your work is useless.


Yes, that's it. This component is very important. All above components are nothing without luck and there is also some good and bad tricks in our way that we can not forecast.


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